Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rachel- Poem Medley

Poem Medley Idea

Want a fun or meaningful and creative idea for a poem? This is just for you!

This idea is what I call a poem medley. The directions are simple, and you will see why it has that name.

  1. find a bunch of poems and pick out lines from a poem (or song) that you like.
  2. Arrange them to where they fit, and feel free to add in additional words so it makes more sense. 
  3. Try to have a bunch of lines and few lines from one source. (So don't write like half of a song from the lyrics that you like) 
    • If you have numerous lines from one source, try your best to spread it out within your poem for a better outcome
  4. When you have combined lines from poems and/or song lyrics and added additional words (if needed so it  makes more sense), you have now created your poem medley.
Because you have gathered many lines from these poems or song lyrics, it is a variation and you created your own poem. Hence the name "poem medley".

Did you give these lines a new life? A new meaning?

Enjoy this fun and creative activity!

- Rach

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