Favorite Poem
So, for this month's Response 3, we are going to choose one of our favorite poems. It can be written down, on a picture on the internet, a video, a webpage, from a blog, etc.
So here is one of my favorite poems, and why.
( I may include a few.....)

"When you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with, you go to the hospital.
If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story."
That line is so powerful. I love it. It depicts how society views thin as beautiful and how if you are not necessarily thin, you are not beautiful. It shows how ugly society is because of that perception. If you become thin, "you are a success story"- that is how people think, and it is wrong to draw conclusions that somebody is healthy based on appearance.
This poem is so strong and powerful.

This is another one of my favorite poems. I really shows what having a panic attack is like through poetry. Poetry gives you the freedom to openly use descriptive words to get your point across, and this poem, like many, does this.
He really illustrates how having a panic attack is like suffering silently since you are not able to do anything about it. you literally sit there suffering. You cannot think. You cannot think about anything other than trying to find some comfort, trying to stop panicking, trying to seem like you're okay on the outside because you don't want people looking at you. This poem really shows this, even through his voice.
This is another one of my favorite poems. Another slam poem, but this one is also very powerful. Everything about it is powerful. I love that there is 3 people who speak because it emphasizes their main idea of the line. Having three people speak project the meaning and build a structure for their poem. I love that. I especially love the line:
"But we are taught it is better to be silent, than to make them uncomfortable."
This line tells you that they do not teach us important things, or things that we should hear, that we are taught to hold our tongues and be silent.
The entire poem is flawless. I have no words to describe why it is one of my favorites. <3
Although there are many of favorite poems, here are a view that happen to be spoken word/slam poetry. Enjoy!
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