July has been an interesting month for all of us. We were to busy caught up in other things we have been doing, and totally forgot about coming up with a topic for response 3rd. Also, none of us really knew what to do for this months topic as well so... OOPS!
This is probably not the last time this is going to happen. Since school is starting for us at the end of this month, and we will probably have to be doing many of other things, we may not get all response 3rds done.
BUT, that's completely fine! We are all working on our own blogs when we are not on this one, so if you want, you can go check those out. (we will also be posting other blog posts on this as well, don't forget)
Hope you all understand (for the future as well)!
Thanks xx
Friday, July 29, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Rach- Recent location pictures // Response 3
Sorry for being late on this month's Response 3 topic. I just got back from vacation. :)
Okay, so this month we are doing the topic "Pictures from a place we were recently at"
I was just recently at a Twenty One Pilots concert on June 19th... BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. (ik ik sooo cliche but honestly though.( I'll write a blog post a little bit about it) ). I was also at the beach this past week. But I cannot post pictures from there bc they are all on my phone.
So for this specific post, I'll just put pictures from my trip from Tennessee that I never posted....
Okay, so this month we are doing the topic "Pictures from a place we were recently at"
I was just recently at a Twenty One Pilots concert on June 19th... BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. (ik ik sooo cliche but honestly though.( I'll write a blog post a little bit about it) ). I was also at the beach this past week. But I cannot post pictures from there bc they are all on my phone.
So for this specific post, I'll just put pictures from my trip from Tennessee that I never posted....
Got this cool picture when leaving the Andrew Jackson House. It looks like a painting!
Driving to Nashville :))
Visiting the Opryland Hotel... It was gorgeous inside!
They have a radio station in the hotel?!
A picture of my sister and her boyfriend on this vintage looking staircase.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Sofi- Pictures of a Place // Response 3
So this month's Response 3rd topic is "Pictures of places we have been recently."
I haven't really gone anywhere special recently.
But in March, I had this English project to do, and I went to go take pictures of a near by little pond.
Anyways, here's some of my photography for this month's Response 3rd.
sorry I'm not good at photography
Thanks loves xx
I haven't really gone anywhere special recently.
But in March, I had this English project to do, and I went to go take pictures of a near by little pond.
Anyways, here's some of my photography for this month's Response 3rd.
sorry I'm not good at photography
Thanks loves xx
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Sofi- A few of my favorite poems // Response 3
so, here we are, with more poetry related things.....
Today we are just explaining a few of our favorite slam poems and spoken words. (Mainly because we all love poetry)
I decided not to explain why I love them, or their meanings, because your meanings are not the same as mine, and I don't want to effect the different type of beauty you see in the video verse the beauty i do.
so yeah, here's that
1. Moles Don't Think About Space or Small Talk ~ Savannah Brown <3 (yes, I'm in love with sav)
Today we are just explaining a few of our favorite slam poems and spoken words. (Mainly because we all love poetry)
I decided not to explain why I love them, or their meanings, because your meanings are not the same as mine, and I don't want to effect the different type of beauty you see in the video verse the beauty i do.
so yeah, here's that
1. Moles Don't Think About Space or Small Talk ~ Savannah Brown <3 (yes, I'm in love with sav)
2. Explaining my Depression to my Mother ~ Sabrina Benaim
3. What Lies Ahead ~ Sav Brown (yes I know a lot of these are sav poems)
4. This city is alive ~ Sav Brown (basically go watch all of sav's poems because they are literally all beautiful and amazing)
Yes, I know this is her poem Graffiti and not this city is alive... it just wasn't showing up when I was trying to put it in the blog post... so just go to sav's channel and watch all her vids.... sorry I'm literally obsessed
5. When I was a kid ~ Shane Koyczan
6. Anxiety Group ~Cataline Ferro
7. Remember how we forgot ~ Shane K
These are just a few of the ones I love.
There's obviously for many that I love,
but I just wanted to post a quick few that really stick to me.
(I'm sorry I haven't really been blogging very much on any of my blogs. My mind hasn't been in the right place recently, and nor will it ever be, and I've had so much school and life crap to do that I just can't get done)
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Rachel- Favorite Poem / / Response 3
Favorite Poem
So, for this month's Response 3, we are going to choose one of our favorite poems. It can be written down, on a picture on the internet, a video, a webpage, from a blog, etc.
So here is one of my favorite poems, and why.
( I may include a few.....)

"When you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with, you go to the hospital.
If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story."
That line is so powerful. I love it. It depicts how society views thin as beautiful and how if you are not necessarily thin, you are not beautiful. It shows how ugly society is because of that perception. If you become thin, "you are a success story"- that is how people think, and it is wrong to draw conclusions that somebody is healthy based on appearance.
This poem is so strong and powerful.

This is another one of my favorite poems. I really shows what having a panic attack is like through poetry. Poetry gives you the freedom to openly use descriptive words to get your point across, and this poem, like many, does this.
He really illustrates how having a panic attack is like suffering silently since you are not able to do anything about it. you literally sit there suffering. You cannot think. You cannot think about anything other than trying to find some comfort, trying to stop panicking, trying to seem like you're okay on the outside because you don't want people looking at you. This poem really shows this, even through his voice.
This is another one of my favorite poems. Another slam poem, but this one is also very powerful. Everything about it is powerful. I love that there is 3 people who speak because it emphasizes their main idea of the line. Having three people speak project the meaning and build a structure for their poem. I love that. I especially love the line:
"But we are taught it is better to be silent, than to make them uncomfortable."
This line tells you that they do not teach us important things, or things that we should hear, that we are taught to hold our tongues and be silent.
The entire poem is flawless. I have no words to describe why it is one of my favorites. <3
Although there are many of favorite poems, here are a view that happen to be spoken word/slam poetry. Enjoy!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Rachel- Poem Medley
Poem Medley Idea
Want a fun or meaningful and creative idea for a poem? This is just for you!
This idea is what I call a poem medley. The directions are simple, and you will see why it has that name.
- find a bunch of poems and pick out lines from a poem (or song) that you like.
- Arrange them to where they fit, and feel free to add in additional words so it makes more sense.
- Try to have a bunch of lines and few lines from one source. (So don't write like half of a song from the lyrics that you like)
- If you have numerous lines from one source, try your best to spread it out within your poem for a better outcome
- When you have combined lines from poems and/or song lyrics and added additional words (if needed so it makes more sense), you have now created your poem medley.
Because you have gathered many lines from these poems or song lyrics, it is a variation and you created your own poem. Hence the name "poem medley".
Did you give these lines a new life? A new meaning?
Enjoy this fun and creative activity!
- Rach
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Sofi- Thoughts to Bring Yourself Down // Response 3
Thoughts to Bring Yourself Down (If you were to die tomorrow)
“If you were to die tomorrow,
what would you change about today?”
I know that I’d change,
well, just about everything.
My regrets,
my mistakes,
but we all make a ton of those,
supposedly some rather not share.
You don’t get a say when you’re 6 feet
under everyone else's steps,
watching friends pulled by yellow balloons
as they learn how to grin.
Everyone has an expiration date,
inescapable fate.
I don’t know what I’d do if I were to die tomorrow,
I mean,
my thoughts bury me from day to day.
Shove me inside of a locket,
the ground’s new created pocket,
like I said,
6 feet underground,
and I can’t ever escape,
these thoughts in your creatively, exterminated mind.
Ghost don’t actually exist,
I just created them in my head.
Especially the ones that look familiar,
like someone else I met 6 feet below,
watching our same friends go,
and they float away,
but in my mind,
a different way.
In good ol' America, April is National Poetry Month! (Yayyy) And so for this month, we decided to post poems that we've written for our Response (to the) third!
I hope you enjoy our poems! (sorry I'm not a very great poet, and btw this was a poem I had written for an English project)
Rachel- Poetry // Response 3
They overflow the mind
Like a river, they flow from one spot to another.
Ripples that crinkle on the surface,
like one idea that surpasses another.
Sometimes they all rush in,
Overflowing the mind of unmade decisions.
One leading to another in connections;
Like looking at a bunch of trees in the reflection,
where their branches intertwine.
There are good thoughts,
as the purest water.
There are bad thoughts,
as the contaminated water.
The brain becomes infested with words;
trying to put together all the keywords.
But sometimes these words are useless,
Unless there's meaning behind them
lurking in its shadow.
But this mind was flooded with thoughts.
It was at maximum capacity,
or an overpopulated city.
Some ideas get swept away by the strong force of the current;
Where one idea is pushed away by another.
But in the process of its production,
these thoughts led to a flooded city of destruction.
Hope you enjoyed my original poem, as well as the new Response 3 that we are doing!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Sofi- An Around the Circle Poem
So the other day in our school's creative writing club, we did this as a warm up. This would be such a fun to do with one, two, or many friends. It's so easy and so fun! You get really cool ideas and thoughts from the things you write. :) (sadly, this was the day both Sam and Rachel weren't at club)
How to:
It's nothing difficult, as we literally did this as a warm up for the club it wouldn't be so difficult, and all you need is a paper and writing tool (i.e. pencil or pen, maybe a quill and ink, feather pens, maybe you use crayons or water color to write). Anyway, that's all!
Basically what you do:
Each person, on their own piece of paper, will start by writing one word, phrase or sentence. This paper is then passed to the next person, depending on how you want the circle to flow. Let's say you pass the papers to the person to your right, the person to your left will give you theirs, and this happens all around the group. You will read the sentence above and write down another sentence. You keep doing this as all the papers go around the circle. (if none of this makes sense I'm sorry, you may be able to google something like this).
Here's the poem that I started (meaning I wrote the first line, and then someone else wrote the next, and then the person next to them wrote the next sentence, and so on)
(also I did different fonts for each person)
Little drops drip from notes,
they whispered their secrets
spell binding one another in such a vicious game of lies,
breaking the hearts of many
and taking the life from belief
Singing hymns without faith, confessions without meaning
but I always believed in you
and I always fell for your mind
the drops continued to drip
Wasn't that so cool!? Every single line had it's own amazing little meaning, but each line came together perfectly. :)
I really hope some of you guys try this out, because it was sooo cool to see what other people had to say about certain lines to make it work with the theme of the poem.
Thanks guys, happy writing!
How to:
It's nothing difficult, as we literally did this as a warm up for the club it wouldn't be so difficult, and all you need is a paper and writing tool (i.e. pencil or pen, maybe a quill and ink, feather pens, maybe you use crayons or water color to write). Anyway, that's all!
Basically what you do:
Each person, on their own piece of paper, will start by writing one word, phrase or sentence. This paper is then passed to the next person, depending on how you want the circle to flow. Let's say you pass the papers to the person to your right, the person to your left will give you theirs, and this happens all around the group. You will read the sentence above and write down another sentence. You keep doing this as all the papers go around the circle. (if none of this makes sense I'm sorry, you may be able to google something like this).
Here's the poem that I started (meaning I wrote the first line, and then someone else wrote the next, and then the person next to them wrote the next sentence, and so on)
(also I did different fonts for each person)
Little drops drip from notes,
they whispered their secrets
spell binding one another in such a vicious game of lies,
breaking the hearts of many
and taking the life from belief
Singing hymns without faith, confessions without meaning
but I always believed in you
and I always fell for your mind
the drops continued to drip
Wasn't that so cool!? Every single line had it's own amazing little meaning, but each line came together perfectly. :)
I really hope some of you guys try this out, because it was sooo cool to see what other people had to say about certain lines to make it work with the theme of the poem.
Thanks guys, happy writing!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Rachel- INFJ // Response 3
Hi, I am an INFJ
What is an INFJ?
An 'INFJ' is a Myers Briggs personality type. Here is the meaning behind it:
INFJ Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. INFJs are always thinking of a happy and "perfect" future, but often become discouraged when things in the present do not go smoothly. Wanting a meaningful life is very common. They do not share freely, keep to themselves, and are introverted ( the 'I' in 'INFJ' as stated above). INFJs are quiet, sensitive, caring, and always listen to somebody else's ideas and concerns. INFJs interests will most likely include writing, art, playing or listening to music, and reading.
INFJ Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. INFJs are always thinking of a happy and "perfect" future, but often become discouraged when things in the present do not go smoothly. Wanting a meaningful life is very common. They do not share freely, keep to themselves, and are introverted ( the 'I' in 'INFJ' as stated above). INFJs are quiet, sensitive, caring, and always listen to somebody else's ideas and concerns. INFJs interests will most likely include writing, art, playing or listening to music, and reading.
INFJs are the rarest type in our population and only account for less than 1% of the general population.
About me, personally:
As an INFJ, I do apply to the stuff I've written about above (Obviously). So to go into more depth about myself, pertaining to INFJ descriptions, continue reading. :)
Here is a picture that is accurate as an introvert. (Please don't think I'm a freak! haha)
I just love reading a good book on a rainy day, with a cozy blanket, and a substitution from tea to iced coffee (I don't like hot coffee...oops).
...Or I would just like to be by myself and do something I like in peace
( rather that would be reading, blogging, or browsing through tumblr). hehe
In the writing part of what INFJs interests are, I LOVE slam poetry and spoken word poetry. I highly recommend watching Button Poetry on youtube because they have great slam/spoken word poetry. Overall, I really like this area of writing because there is not filter on what somebody could write. They write/say exactly what they want others to know about their overall message. I really think that slam poetry and spoken word poetry is powerful.
You may have also noticed that I like photography too, if it wasn't obvious enough.
It is also something I like to do because it is on the quiet and peaceful side.
I can't say which genres of music I actually like, however I like listening to acoustics, some pop, and mostly alternative. (along with the other music I've mentioned in earlier posts).
So that's just some stuff about me. :)
More about INFJs here
What personality type are you? Take the test here ! :)
Response 3
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