Monday, March 28, 2016

Rachel- INFJ // Response 3

Hi, I am an INFJ

What is an INFJ?
          An 'INFJ' is a Myers Briggs personality type. Here is the meaning behind it:
 INFJ Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging. INFJs are always thinking of  a happy and "perfect" future, but often become discouraged when things in the present do not go smoothly. Wanting a meaningful life is very common. They do not share freely, keep to themselves, and are introverted ( the 'I' in 'INFJ' as stated above). INFJs are quiet, sensitive, caring, and always listen to somebody else's ideas and concerns. INFJs interests will most likely include writing, art, playing or listening to music, and reading.

         INFJs are the rarest type in our population and only account for less than 1% of the general population.

About me, personally:
    As an INFJ, I do apply to the stuff I've written about above (Obviously). So to go into more depth about myself, pertaining to INFJ descriptions, continue reading. :)

Here is a picture that is accurate as an introvert. (Please don't think I'm a freak! haha) 
I just love reading a good book on a rainy day, with a cozy blanket, and a substitution from tea to iced coffee (I don't like hot coffee...oops). 

...Or I would just like to be by myself and do something I like in peace
( rather that would be reading, blogging, or browsing through tumblr). hehe

In the writing part of  what INFJs interests are, I LOVE slam poetry and spoken word poetry.  I highly recommend watching Button Poetry on youtube because they have great slam/spoken word poetry.  Overall, I really like this area of writing because there is not filter on what somebody could write. They write/say exactly what they want others to know about their overall message. I really think that slam  poetry and spoken word poetry is powerful. 


You may have also noticed that I like photography too, if it wasn't obvious enough. 
It is also something I like to do because it is on the quiet and peaceful side. 
I often like to take pictures while "adventuring" and listen to music as I do so.

I can't say which genres of music I actually like, however I like listening to acoustics, some pop, and mostly alternative.  (along with the other music I've mentioned in earlier posts).


So that's just some stuff about me. :)

More about INFJs here 

What personality type are you? Take the test here ! :)


Sofi- On being an INFP // Response 3

I'm an INFP (well INFP-T but normally you wouldn't say T/A at the end of your type when telling someone). This means I'm Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Perveicing (-Turbulent). Basically in simpler terms this means I get my energy from being alone, and I go by my gut feeling rather than actual logic. Also INFP's are the most idealistic people anyone could ever meet.

I've actually never meet another INFP. You don't understand like how I want to go around every single room I'm always in and ask, "What's your personality type!!!?!?!?!?" (yes I'm a massive loser) All of my friends are like INFJ's, INTJ's, ENFP's, and so on and so on, but I've never meet someone who told me they were an INFP.... Honestly, I want to meet another INFP so we can talk about our minds together, wow, okay, yep continuing. (INFP's only make up about 4% of the population) I just feel most me when I'm with like minded people.

Also may I add that I've basically always been in love with self expression (which is a normal thing for INFP's)

As an INFP, I'm obsessed with self expression, and I LOVE POETRY! (just two out of my soooo many favorites include the channel Button Poetry and Savannah Brown both on youtube <3)

Other things I enjoy doing besides writing poetry include playing music, (I can play the piano, currently teaching myself the guitar, and I want to learn the ukulele), art, (although I can't actually draw nicely it's fun to do), I looove photography, and there's so many more things that I love to do  but just to name a few.

INFPs often drift into deep thought, enjoying contemplating the hypothetical and the philosophical more than any other personality type. Left unchecked, INFPs may start to lose touch, withdrawing into "hermit mode", and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner to bring them back to the real world. -
Image result for infp

Luckily, like the flowers in spring, INFP’s affection, creativity, altruism and idealism will always come back, rewarding them and those they love perhaps not with logic and utility, but with a world view that inspires compassion, kindness and beauty wherever they go. -(the same website as before and listed down below as well)
I'm sorry this isn't the best post in the whole world, but it sure was fun to do. Make sure to go check out Rachel's and Sam's responses to our new Response3 thing :) (response to the third)!
If you would like to read more about INFP's, and/or find out your personality type and get to know yourself a little more, click this link! :)

Sam- Being an INTJ // Response 3


I'm back

If you want to know why I was gone check out my 3-2-16 post on Vintage Daughters (which if you didn't know is me and Sophia's shared blog)


Hello, my name is Sam aka Amata over on Absolute Amata (it's a long story check out my 3-4-16 post on there) and my personality type is the INTJ

Introverted Intuition with Extroverted Thinking

I- Introverted

Despite being extremely happy and engaging on here, in real life I could not be any different, I stress at the thought of public interaction, and people who try out for musicals and talent shows confuse me.  I prefer to be alone most of the time,  but that doesn't mean that I don't like having friends, I do, just being around a lot of people isn't really my crowd.

N- Intuitive

Most of the time I can tell when people are lying.  Without any prior knowledge of a topic, I can make an argument for it.  I normally can just rely on instinct to get myself through a tough situation.

T- Thinking

"INTJs are brilliant and confident in bodies of knowledge they have taken the time to understand, but unfortunately the social contract is unlikely to be one of those subjects.  White lies and small talk are hard enough as it is for a type that craves truth and depth, but INTJs may go as far as to see as many social conventions as downright stupid." -Sixteen Personalities

J- Judging

I tend to plan my day and not just "play it by ear" as my mother would say.  I like being in the control of my life and prefer not to just let things happen to me.  I don't like not knowing where I'm going, I don't hate surprises, but I would prefer to know what is coming to me.

INTJs take up only 1-2% of the population, we base our life around fact and not belief.  We stay back, observe, plan, and then move.  "Playing life by ear" is not even an option on the board, being that there are more things that could go wrong than right.

One of my worst traits is that I don't care about others feelings in an argument, I only care about being right.

Some famous/popular INTJs are:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • John Adams
  • Steven Hawking
  • Elon Musk
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Isaac Newton
  • Ludwig Van Beethoven
  • Vladimir Putin
So, in conclusion, I recommend you take this test, understanding yourself might help you later in life.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Response 3!!

            Hey guys! So the three of us decided to do something new that we call " Response 3". (response to the third)
So basically with Response 3, there will be one topic or writing prompt, and 3 responses coming from one from each of us. We will write our responses, and all upload them on the 28th of each month.
Are you ready to see three different perspectives?

Image result for writing tumblr

Friday, March 4, 2016

Rachel- Idea Of Adventure

      I've always loved the idea of traveling to new places. Since I am still young and do not have many opportunities to travel anywhere that isn't the state over, I've been living off daydreams of places where I would rather be. So with my desire to adventure and my passion for photography, I have come to the conclusion of how neat it would be to be an outdoor adventure/lifestyle photographer. I've seen so many wonderful photographs that these photographers have taken, and I wish I could be there to experience the same view. Though it may be cold where all those beautiful mountains are, and a little dark in the woods, I still find peace within the surroundings.